Thursday, April 26, 2012

Letting Go

It is state assessment time. The middle school student I tutor skyped tonight, just to go over a few things. She wanted to make sure she was set for the test. I didn't have enough time to go over everything with her, so we concentrated on a couple of trouble spots. A few things threw her that shouldn't have, a couple of things were easier than she remembered. Some of it was nerves. As we signed off, I wished her luck and reminded her to take her time and go over everything twice.
My student's turn is coming up. As we spend each day reviewing skills to make sure they haven't forgotten anything, it occurs to me that I just need to put my trust in their memories. We have gone over every standard. We have discussed strategies and methods. It really is up to them now. I need to let go and let them do the best they can. But it is hard. These are my kids. I take it very personally. I know I can't hold their hand during the test. I know many will be very stressed. All I can do is give reassurances and remind them to do their best. After all, isn't the best all we can expect of ourselves?

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