Monday, April 9, 2012

I take it personally

I consider my students my children for the 9 1/2 months they are in my classroom. I demand the best of their behavior and efforts. I set the bar high and then help them to achieve to the best of their ability. I celebrate their successes, fight for their rights, and cry with them when they fail- then help them pick themselves up and start again.
Am I tough? You betcha. Ask my son- he'll verify it for you.  But my students appreciate me for it. Maybe not this year, but next year, when middle school is suddenly easy because they have the skill set they need to survive while they watch their peers struggle, they will come back and thank me. Several usually do. More proof is in days like today. "I missed you" was spoken by a majority of my class, accompanied by a hug, as we came back from spring break.
Yes, I am emotional. Those emotions help ME help my students. Yes, I wear my heart on my sleeve. My students KNOW I care. Does this mean a less emotional teacher cares less? Perhaps. It is not up to me to make that judgement call. I just know that is how I am wired.
I CARE....and my students know it. It makes a difference- and I take it personally.

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